ATCO Industries, our client and a leading provider of technology-driven quality assurance solutions for OEMs, Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers across North America, rebranded as Vayan Group, in addition to a significant investment to expand operations into new services and end markets, including comprehensive EV battery services.
Founded in 1980, Vayan has grown beyond its roots as a provider of inspection and containment services to offer comprehensive quality assurance solutions to the manufacturing industry. Recent advances include service enhancements that have secured a strong position in the continually expanding EV and hybrid marketplace. The company also provides solutions to its customers across the automotive, aerospace, electronics, household appliance, medical, space exploration, and transportation end markets.
Given the company’s rapid growth trajectory, technology leadership, and reliance on its services by many of the world’s leading manufacturing companies, ATCO chose a new brand in Vayan Group that better reflects the customers’ primary needs and pain points, as well as the company’s present and future mission and value impact to customers.
Vayan Group chose to work with Digital Image to develop their new site and see it through to a successful launch of the new brand.
- Responsive web development
- Complete corporate rebrand
- Extensive interlinking to extend user sessions
Branding | Websites